Kids coding club in Thargomindah
It’s more likely than you think! Take a look at Kids coding club in Thargomindah. From the outside, Thargomindah is just a small town in the Shire of Bulloo, roughly 1,000 kilometres west of Brisbane — not too far from the Queensland/South Australia/New South Wales…
MicroMakers Holiday Code Camp
Over the course of four days, our kids at Bulimba State School partook in the MicroMakers Holiday Code Camp. There, they learned all about the basics of coding: they learned how to make games with Scratch, and how to enhance the experience of gaming by turning everyday objects like fruits and lollies into interactive consoles!
PyCon 2017: Introducing Python in primary school
Python is a simple, readable programming language. Did you know that you can embed Digital Technologies into Year 5 Science and Year 6 English with projects built in Python? Emily first shared these projects at PyCon – Python in Education Seminar in Melbourne, 4 August 2017.
A virtual reality adventure for kids
These September school holidays a group of Coding Kids students visited Holoverse to experience and learn about virtual reality technology. Holoverse is a virtual reality adventure arcade in Southport on the Gold Coast.
Coding at Fun Palace Brisbane
Fun Palace is a free annual and worldwide celebration of art and science. Every year, it takes place over the first weekend in October. In Queensland, the State Library of Queensland (SLQ) — as well as other council libraries around the state — will be…
MicroMakers Hackathon Day
The MicroMakers II Hackathon Day concluded the six-week program at Bulimba State School. Technologies that were used included: Scratch, MaKey MaKey, mBot, Tinkercad and 3D printing. Find out about the interesting projects that the students developed.
Torres News: Robots in the Torres Strait!
Digital literacy is becoming as vital as traditional literacy and numeracy and Thursday Island school students are being introduced to robotics and coding to address this issue.
Primary and secondary school students, as well as members of the public, were given the opportunity to explore, play and learn about coding and robotics over a two-day workshop a couple of weeks ago organised by the Torres Shire Council.
Free holiday tech events for kids
Engage children with fun tech activities where they can learn about how technology can be used as a tool to create fun games, helpful robots and innovate, with the potential of making an impact to our community.
September School Holiday Code Camps
Can you believe it? It’s already Week 7 of Term 3. Only 3 weeks until the school holidays. How will your children fill up the free time over the school holidays? We have a few school holiday code camps for the upcoming September school holidays. Our venues are located in Brisbane, Logan, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Moreton Bay council areas.
Make a creative Father’s Day e-card coding in Scratch
Here’s a fun and creative project for Father’s Day. Build your own e-card to give to your Dad. This is a great idea if you and your dad are into coding and technology.