How to introduce a coding program at school
“I tried starting a coding club at the school. I think the school and parent committee are still talking about it.” Are you struggling to get a coding club started at your school? Here is how we can speed up the process and start one right away.
It’s 2024. Start a coding club for kids.
You can start a coding club at your school today. Here are some of my ideas for getting started.
Want extra ideas for your coding clubs?
Here are some of the activities we do at our Coding Kids clubs: program with Scratch, program with Python, program mBot, program Lego Mindstorms EV3, and build digital solutions with Makey Makey.
“Is this correct?”
“Is this correct?” This is a typical question students new to coding ask their teachers. There’s nothing wrong in asking per se, but it highlights the effects of grading on hindering the development of a growth mindset.
Parents, it’s easy to start a code club at your school
Have you heard about coding clubs at other schools? Do you want to start one at your child’s school? Starting an after-school coding club run by parent-volunteers is easy. Here is 5 steps to get one up and running.
Integrate Digital Technologies
Integrating the new Digital Technologies into your already choc-a-bloc class timetable can be tricky.
The Digital Technologies curriculum has now become mandatory in Queensland state schools. The remaining Australian states will soon follow. The Digital Technologies curriculum is not a stand alone subject, it is to be integrated into current curriculum subjects.
Cutting Edge STEM, Griffith University – Teacher Professional Learning Day
Closing Address Speech, by Emily de la Pena (Monday 28 November, 2016) at Griffith University’s Cutting Edge STEM – Teacher Professional Learning Day.