September School Holiday Code Camps
Can you believe it? Not long until the school holidays. How will your children fill up their free time over the school holidays? We have a few activities – September school holiday code camps. We have many online classes and activities available for you.
There are different code camps on offer at the various locations for various age groups:
- Python Adventures (10-14 year olds)
- MicroMakers (7-11 year olds)
- Programming Pepper (9-14 year olds)
- Game Maker (10-16 year olds)
We are very flexible with times and durations. We have kids participating in many time zones.
Learn about the various code camps.
Python Adventures
Come along and you can build your own text adventure and other computer games and animations in Python. Python is a great text-based programming language to learn as a beginner. It is simple, clean and has great readability. This code camp is for 10-14 year-olds. Here is a sample project of what we build using Python.
Have a go and invent gadgets, code with Scratch, build circuits using fruit, lollies and other everyday objects. Invent your own musical instrument or design your own game controller. Make an electronic drum kit using fruit and lollies. Build a game controller using aluminium foil or marshmallows. Discover conductive and nonconductive materials. Integrate your own software with your own hardware. This code camp is for 7-11 year olds. Here is a video of a sample project of what we build using Scratch and Makey Makey.
Programming Pepper, the friendly humanoid robot
Pepper is a robot that can talk, play music, strike a pose, dance, and is designed to be a fun and interactive companion for all.
Now, you can learn how to programme your very own creations on Pepper, with Pepper’s various features including cameras, a tablet, voice recognition, and touch sensors.
This code camp is for 9-14 year olds. Here are three videos of student presentations from past projects:
- Lola made a program where Pepper played a game of charades.
- Jasper created a program where his Pepper recognised only his face, and using keyframe animation, and hand sensors, shook hands with him.
- Beau created a scary Dragon Pepper!
Game Maker
Build a 2D Military Style Action Game. This code camp is for 10-16 year olds.
GameMaker Studios is a game development environment that targets those who are interested in-game development, but don’t know where to get started, or don’t have the technical expertise to make it a reality. It features a simple drag-and-drop interface, allowing you to make rather sophisticated games without actually have to write a text-based code. That being said, GameMaker does have its own scripting language called GML for those who are interested in getting started with text-based coding for games. GML allows one to add further functionality and flexibility to their games without having to learn any of the tricky programming paradigms and languages that are commonly used in the industry. GameMaker is, overall, a great tool to get started with game development, regardless of whether or not you have any technical experience with it!
We look forward to introducing more venues for the Christmas school holiday code camps in Ipswich and North Lakes. Can’t wait to see you at the September School Holiday Code Camps.
If you’re interested in our online classes, click the button below.
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