“Is this correct?”
“Is this correct?” This is a typical question students new to coding ask their teachers. There’s nothing wrong in asking per se, but it highlights the effects of grading on hindering the development of a growth mindset.
Judging at the Young ICT Explorers QLD
Let me share my experiences as judge for the Young ICT Explorers Year 5-6 category: technologies used, projects experienced and tips from a judge on how to get the most points for each criteria.
Digital Technologies Curriculum PD
Anna Kinnane, one of the ACARA writers of the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies, and Emily de la Pena, Founder of Coding Kids, will be delivering a web conference on Friday 20 January 2017 at 11am-12pm.
Does your child lack confidence at school?
Participating in a coding club often works as a confidence booster for students who lack confidence in a traditional academic environment. Learning to code requires an acceptance that making mistakes is a part of the learning journey.
Download Python worksheets
Download your Python Worksheets here.
Free 1-hour consult
Hi Teachers! The year has already started. So much to do and so little time. We can help. Get Digital Technologies ready for 2024 with help from Coding Kids. Coding Kids staff are offering free 1-hour online consult for schools and teachers in digital technologies…
Gold Coast Code Camp Models a Minion
Can you make a 3D minion? You would be surprised by how easy it is! During our four-day school holiday code camp on the Gold Coast, one of the activities that we did was modelling a printable 3D minion. We made it using Microsoft 3D Builder — a program that comes with Windows 10. Really, anyone can model a minion — read all about it here!
Coding kids in Longreach
Coding Kids visited Longreach and delivered 5 workshops for students, teachers and parents. With a funding of $2200, over 180 people participated in the workshops held over 2 days in this regional Queensland town.
Problems are an Opportunity
Running my own business means days filled with fire fighting and trouble shooting. Customers come to me with problems, employees come to me with problems, partner organisations and other stakeholders come to me with problems. But I love it. Problems are an opportunity to excel, highlight our strengths, create value and develop the best solution in the market. Problems are a call to action to move us to create a desired future.
Kids Demo Day at Corinda State School
This was the first term for Coding Kids at Corinda State School. Previously we had been delivering coding workshops as part of their Super Saturday events every term since early 2016. It’s great to now be a part of the school community every week. As all schools do, we finished the eight week program of Coding Kids with the class Demo Day.