Tag: queensland

Let’s start from Scratch and learn to code: Part 1

In case you missed it…

Yesterday afternoon, Thursday 27 April, we ran our first in a three-part series of web conferences: Let’s start from Scratch and learn to code. 

Part 1: Let’s build two quizzes in Scratch. Learn about logic patterns, algorithms, data storage and making maths fun. 

Click here if you would like to watch the recording. 

Design thinking: Disrupting teachers

Design thinking is forcing a paradigm shift for Australian teachers, students and the entire education system. I attended a design thinking workshop for teachers at DigiTech by Design, held at Oakleigh State School. We were working in groups to solve a community problem by using the design thinking process. I overheard a teacher say, “I want to see the answer. So I can cheat and see what to work towards.”

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