How to sign up to Scratch
Students are required to sign up to Scratch and have a Scratch account. This allows them to save their projects online in their profile. At home, they can show you their projects on your home computer. This is how to sign up to Scratch with…
Lists in coding
What are lists?
To give you the short answer, lists are places where you can store information, just like variables. However, there is one key difference between lists and variables; variables can only store one piece of information at a time, whereas lists can store multiple bits of information at a time.
Digital Technologies Convict Crime and Punishment
In a previous post, we discussed the integration of the Digital Technologies subject into Queensland schools. Just to refresh your memory on the subject, the Digital Technologies subject has a discrete curriculum, meaning that it is its own subject, complete with its own activities and learning outcomes. Part of the aims of the subject are to cover important concepts, such as algorithms and branching (also known as decision making).
Variables and Data Types
You may have seen the terms variables and data types being thrown around here and then, but what exactly do they mean? Why do you keep hearing about them? How are they relevant to Scratch? Let’s find out!
Demo Day at St Catherine’s
We finished Term 2 of Coding Kids at St Catherine’s Primary School in Wishart. On the final day of the program students were asked to present their favourite Scratch project that they have made. This is known as Demo Day.
Booleans in Scratch
What are Booleans, and what are they used for? Let’s find out!
Events in coding
What’s an “event”? What does it mean in the context of programming, and what do we use them for? Let’s find out!
Control flow
What do we mean by the term “control flow”? What are loops and decision-making statements, and what do we use them for? Let’s find out!
Create an interactive stadium project for the classroom
Get into the sporty spirit by making your very own interactive stadium project for the classroom, complete with sound effects, a sprinting event, and an electronic scoreboard? We can show you how! All you need is a little bit of cardboard, some strips of alfoil,…
Bitmaps and vectors
What are bitmaps and vectors? Let’s find out!