We finished the term of Coding Kids with demo day St Catherine’s Primary School in Wishart. On the final day of the program, students presented their favourite Scratch project that they made. This is known as Demo Day.

After each student presentation, the class were encouraged to ask questions about the presented projects, asking about particular features or offering advice on how to improve the project.

The presentations from each student are detailed below.

Drawing with Cat

by Kaden

Game description: You control the cat and it draws on the backdrop. You can duplicate the cat by pressing a stamp button.

How to improve the game: Use a plain backdrop so it is easier to see what the cat is drawing.

Band Music

by Blake

Game description: The character in the game encourages the players to click on the piano and the saxophone when the green flag is pressed. The player can make some music with the piano and saxophone and after so many hits the character says “Nice music”.

How to improve the game: Include more instruments in the game.

Space Invader

by Patrick

Game description: You move the spaceship right and left by pressing the “a” and “d” keys. A dragon flies above the spaceship on top of the screen. You can try to shoot the dragon by pressing the “w” key. If you are successful, the dragon will disappear immediately and then reappear after so many seconds.

How to improve the game: Add a Win or Lose backdrop to the game. Add points to count the number of successful shootings. Add extra dragons or make the dragon fly faster to increase difficulty.

Iron Man

by Jacob

Game description: The background is a house or shelter. The sprites are soldiers with helmets. You control the soldier and draw a rainbow trail. A button titled CALL HELP can be selected to duplicate the soldier to “help” the first one. The CLEAR button makes the added soldier disappear.

How to improve the game: Enable the soldiers to shoot and fight.


by Hudson

Game description: You control a Nyan cat which draws a rainbow trail whilst flying around the space randomly.

How to improve the game: Add music and make a story with the Nyan cat. Add levels.

What is coding?

by Jacob

Game description: The sprites used are a penguin and cat. By pressing the keys 0 to 9, the penguin describes what coding is and why it is helpful, Pressing the space bar makes the cat say hello.

How to improve the game: Add extra features to the cat.


Well done!

Well done to everyone in the class for presenting their work at Demo Day at St Catherine’s, Wishart. It was great to see all the interesting, creative projects come alive. See you next time.


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