Accessible and inclusive learning
Coding Mentor Shawn Phua is deaf. But this does not stop him from learning and even teaching coding, computational thinking, design thinking and robotics classes in Brisbane, and delivering the Digital Technologies curriculum.
How to make real impact on digital literacy
Teaching digital literacy is a contrast to the traditional academic education model and results in education that leads to empowerment and lifelong learning. We can develop children who are curious, engaged and creative and grow to become change makers, innovators and creators by focusing on creating lifelong learners, outcomes first then tools and technology creation not technology consumption.
Bring coding into the classroom using Scratch (Part 3 of 4)
This is Part 3 in a 4 part series: Designing an 8-week course
Transforming my son’s screen time one coding class at a time!
Managing my son’s screen time and online gaming has (so far) been my biggest everyday parenting challenge. I’ve set time limits. I’ve ensured he does other activities before screen is allowed. And I’ve ‘Mum-splained’ many times that the TV and iPad do not count as a ‘screen break’ from his computer. He also does a number of sports. I have every strategy going, and yet screen time still feels like an ongoing negotiation, requiring energy I don’t have. He is nearly ten and he is exceptionally persistent when it comes to computers.
Bring coding into the classroom using Scratch (Part 1 of 4)
This is Part 1 in a 4 part series: Part 1) Learning outcomes with Scratch
It’s 2024. Start a coding club for kids.
You can start a coding club at your school today. Here are some of my ideas for getting started.
Term 1 starts tomorrow
Term 4 starts tomorrow and we want to send a big thank you to all the schools, libraries and organisations that we have worked with us this year. The Coding Kids team is looking forward to finishing the year off with a bang.
3 logic patterns of coding
Coding, or computer programming, is built on three basic logic patterns:
- Sequencing
- Branching
- Looping
These three ideas form the basis of all coding knowledge.
Judging at the Young ICT Explorers QLD
Let me share my experiences as judge for the Young ICT Explorers Year 5-6 category: technologies used, projects experienced and tips from a judge on how to get the most points for each criteria.
Digital Technologies Curriculum PD
Anna Kinnane, one of the ACARA writers of the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies, and Emily de la Pena, Founder of Coding Kids, will be delivering a web conference on Friday 20 January 2017 at 11am-12pm.