Coding is just like baking a cake
Coding is just like baking a cake. We look at the six fundamental concepts of coding — sequencing, looping, branching, arithmetic, data storage, and data in/data out — in the context of baking a cake.
Glossary for New Scratchers
Compared to a lot of other programming languages, Scratch has quite a gentle learning curve. Still, getting started can be a little bit of a doozy if you’ve had zero prior experience with the kind of terminology used in programming. To help you out a bit, we’ve compiled a glossary of terms for new Scratchers!
So much fun at Robotronica
This year’s Robotronica at the Queensland University of Technology revealed some of the latest developments and trends within the field of robotics. Elnaz gives her account of the event, where she bore witness to a variety of demonstrations, workshops, games, and discussions that were informative, inspiring, and surprising in many ways!
Is it really “just” a theory?
Climate change, evolution, plate tectonics, gravity. What do these things all have in common? They’re often called “just theories” by critics and in a way, they’re right! All of these things, including gravity, are “just” theories, scientific theories. However, what naysayers don’t understand is what exactly is a scientific theory? So, let’s get into it.