Integrate Digital Technologies (4-6)
It’s 2017, and the new Digital Technologies subject is now starting to be introduced into Queensland schools, with full implementation of the subject expected to happen in 2020. The Digital Technologies subject is not a standalone subject: it is to be integrated into existing subject areas, such as English, Math, and Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), among other areas.Let’s have a look at how to integrate the Digital Technologies subject into other subjects for Years 4, 5 and 6.
Integrate Digital Technologies (F-3)
There are two new Technologies subjects being introduced into primary schools as part of the new Australian Curriculum for Prep to Year 6: Digital Technologies, and Design and Technologies.
Here are the Digital Technologies class activities that can be integrated into your classroom for Prep and Years 1-3.
Digital Technologies Convict Crime and Punishment
In a previous post, we discussed the integration of the Digital Technologies subject into Queensland schools. Just to refresh your memory on the subject, the Digital Technologies subject has a discrete curriculum, meaning that it is its own subject, complete with its own activities and learning outcomes. Part of the aims of the subject are to cover important concepts, such as algorithms and branching (also known as decision making).
What I learned at PyCon: Python in Education Seminar
This year’s PyCon: Python in Education Seminar(August 3-8) was the eighth national conference for people who use and develop in Python. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, Python is a well-known and widely-used programming language. The conference took place at the Melbourne…