Meet our Newest Coding Champs!
Here at Coding Kids, we are so proud of how much progress our students make in every coding session they take part in. Whether they are a beginner who is starting on their coding journey or a confident coder who wants to continue to expand…
We’re hiring
We’re hiring. Join our vibrant Coding Kids team and support development of the next generation of coders.
Build Your Own Computer Game
Scratch is a great platform to learn to code because it is a drag and drop environment. You get to explore and discover computer programming concepts with minimal syntax and typing.
Learn how to build the game Forest of Danger using Scratch.
Learn thinking skills via Scratch
Learning computer programming concepts can be a bit tricky. The team at Coding Kids have developed a series of Scratch projects to help our students explore computer programming concepts. Some concepts can be a bit tricky to understand, but if we can explore them in a fun, visual and playful way, it is possible to pick up. See our list below to find Scratch projects that may suit your learning needs.
Technologies professional development for librarians
Gold Coast Libraries recently spent three days taking professional development workshops with Coding Kids. We covered a range of activities and projects that will be delivered for the Gold Coast community. The local kids are going to have a wonderful time exploring STEAM at the Gold Coast Libraries.
5 Misconceptions about Computer Programming
Coding is for everyone …..
Coding is for everyone. Now available in Auslan.
Learning to code is for everyone. Coding is a tool that enables you to build your own projects. We want to make coding classes accessible to everyone because it is such a powerful and enabling tool. Learning to code is now available in Auslan and many other signed languages.
Why we use game design to learn how to code
There are sometimes parental concerns about the current trend in children’s computer education being centred around games. However, don’t underestimate the power of computer games and play.
Parents, it’s easy to start a code club at your school
Have you heard about coding clubs at other schools? Do you want to start one at your child’s school? Starting an after-school coding club run by parent-volunteers is easy. Here is 5 steps to get one up and running.
Produce your own animation movie
It’s not just games. You can also use Scratch to program and produce your own animation movie. Your mini-movie can be about fictional stories but you can also use Scratch to animate research projects such as a mini-documentary about the water cycle or lions in the Serengeti.