Category: For teachers

What is the best programming language to get a job?

Coding classes for children are so much fun. They build computer games, animated stories and digital artwork. After a hard day at school, they come to us and we let our imaginations run wild and be creative. In the process, they learn timeless skills such as computational thinking, problem solving, logic, design and creativity.

But these questions makes me wonder, do children’s piano classes, swimming classes or speech and drama classes get asked the same questions?

Knight Collects the Coins in the Castle

Scratch is a versatile, online program that can be used to teach several important skills as well as maintaining a level of fun and engagement through the use of game and animation creation. Today, we’ll focus on a game called Knight collects the coins in the castle, which you can find here. This game is fun to make and play and uses concepts like x and y coordinates, sensing, decision making and variables. These are important skills, both for computer programing and for the development of problem solving skills.

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Coding Kids is empowering children to be creators, innovators and change makers.

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