Booleans in Scratch
What are Booleans, and what are they used for? Let’s find out!
Events in coding
What’s an “event”? What does it mean in the context of programming, and what do we use them for? Let’s find out!
Control flow
What do we mean by the term “control flow”? What are loops and decision-making statements, and what do we use them for? Let’s find out!
Create an interactive stadium project for the classroom
Get into the sporty spirit by making your very own interactive stadium project for the classroom, complete with sound effects, a sprinting event, and an electronic scoreboard? We can show you how! All you need is a little bit of cardboard, some strips of alfoil,…
Bitmaps and vectors
What are bitmaps and vectors? Let’s find out!
New to sprites in Scratch?
What are sprites? What do I do with them? How do I make them? If you’re new to using sprites in Scratch, then come join us for a little bit of a crash course!
Accessible and inclusive learning
Coding Mentor Shawn Phua is deaf. But this does not stop him from learning and even teaching coding, computational thinking, design thinking and robotics classes in Brisbane, and delivering the Digital Technologies curriculum.
Is coding only for geeks, gamers or geniuses?
Is coding only for people who like maths, logic, and analytical thinking? For geeks, gamers or geniuses? Or is coding a means to create for the arts, human-centred design, empathy, storytelling, human connection, building imaginary worlds, characters and adventures, social impact and creative expression.
Let’s start from Scratch and learn to code: Part 1
In case you missed it…
Yesterday afternoon, Thursday 27 April, we ran our first in a three-part series of web conferences: Let’s start from Scratch and learn to code.
Part 1: Let’s build two quizzes in Scratch. Learn about logic patterns, algorithms, data storage and making maths fun.
Click here if you would like to watch the recording.
Learn to code: Part 3 & Let’s start from Scratch
In case you missed it… On Thursday 11 May, we ran our third and final session in a three-part series of web conferences: Let’s start from Scratch and learn to code. Part 3: Let’s build a computer game and make learning about Cartesian coordinates fun. Learn about algorithms, sequencing, branching and looping.